Thursday, November 17, 2011


Today for science we did three experiments again, and my favourite was the one called lava lamp. We used Berocca tablets, a small fizzy bottle, some oil, and some water, plus food coloring.
First we poured the water into the bottle. Then we poured the oil in, and when we did that it started to sink but then got pushed back up. Then we added the food coloring and it sank through the oil to the water and started to mix, but that changed when we added the Berocca tablets. It started to react with the water causing the food coloring to be lifted up in droplets to the oil which gave a lava lamp like effect. It was really fun.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today in science we did four experiments. My favourite one was the one called fire extinguisher. We used a plastic piece of tube, some baking soda, some vinegar and a coke or pepsi bottle with a hole in the lid. We poked the piece of tube in through the lid, then made sure in was in properly by sealing it with blu-tack. We poured vinegar into the bottle, and then quickly added baking soda. When we sealed the lid, we put a finger over the end of the tube that was outside of the bottle, and pointed it at a candle that had been lit. My group was the only group that sucessfully blew out the candle, and it was a lot of fun, along with the other three experiments.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Science Talent Development

Today for Science Talent Development we were looking at solids, gases and liquids. First we did an experiment where we had three ice cubes. One of them was just plain frozen water. The other two were frozen sugar water and frozen orange raro. We put them in a petri dish each and checked up on them every three minutes to see which was melting the fastest. It turned out that plain and sugar water ice cubes melted the fastest. The raro ice cube melted the slowest because the raro was holding all the water together and not letting go.

We did another experiment after that. This one was the same except instead of having different kinds of ice cube, we had three plain ice cubes,  one without anything on it, one with salt sprinkled on top, and one with sugar sprinkled on top. The one with salt on top melted the quickest, because the salt is kind of like an acid.