Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

I can't believe it's my last day of Enrich ever!!! I will never post on this blog again because I am going off to High School! It is going to be really sad next year to not have Enrich to look forward to every week. Still, I have had a really good time going here for the past two years. I have learnt a lot of things that I would not have learnt just going to my normal school, like Fibonacci numbers, what scamper is, and how to think outside the square even more than I could before. I have learnt so much from Enrich. For the last time I will end my Enrich blog post. Thank you Darryn, Alana and Katie. This is so sad....
Goodbye Enrich. :( :( :( :(

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich was my first for a while. Today I did this really awesome thing. It was a virtual eyeball dissection. First I had to click on a link so that I could find out the anatomy of an eyeball. Then I got to dissect it. It was really cool, but I'm not going to go into details because it was pretty gross, especially since it involved taking out jelly from the eye. Later today I'm going to a workshop where I can dissect an eyeball for real. We only have a couple more Enrich days after this. It's going to be really sad next year when there is no more Enrich. :( :( :( 
Here is the link for the Dissection:http://www.eschoolonline.com/company/examples/eye/eyedissect.html

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today Enrich has been busy as usual. During the day I went to an affective domain workshop.It was about a girl called Adora Svitak. We watched a clip of a big speech that she made to a massive audience of adults. She was talking about how adults say that childrens ideas are too silly, when they are often more creative because children don't really think about barriers, like it costs too much, or its too hard. She was only nine when she made the speech, and when she was six she even published her own book. It was really inspiring to see a child do something like that.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

First day of term!!!!!!!!

HI!!! Today at Enrich was a lot of fun. We worked on our enviroment projects, and then presented them, plus then we had to do some paperwork, but then we played a game. It was called All or Nothing. You need: 8+ hoops, 2+ bins, 2+ teams of equal sizes and 2+ balls / small beanbags. You need put the hoops into lines of four, with a bin in the first hoop. You then give the first person in each line a ball. The aim of the game was to get the basket to the last hoop by getting the ball into the basket, which scored you one point. If you got it in you moved the basket back one hoop and threw the ball to the next person in line from behind the basket. If they caught it, then you scored one point. But there was a catch. If the person in line didn't catch the ball, the basket got moved back to the first hoop. The group that gets their basket to the last hoop, and throws it back to the person in line successfully, they win. If no one manages it, the group with the most points wins. It took us a long time, but one group finally got to the end. Today has been a very busy day, but it's been fun too.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today at Enrich has been busy. In the morning we played leaderboard chess, and then had some passion time. After passion time was break, and then we had a look at a piece of writing to do with being green. It was basically about how young people criticise people of older generations of not looking after the planet and doing the "green thing. But people of the older generation also didn't have all of the things we had today. They walked to school everyday.  They didn't drive the two blocks to the supermarket. It was kind of sad. Then we did P4C and blogging! Today was the last day of Enrich for the term, and then I only have one term left!
Which is also kind of sad!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich I have had a pretty fun day. We have played chess, looked at air pollution, worked on our enviroment projects, and played Piccadilly Circus. To play Piccadilly Circus you need a decent number of people, otherwise it isn't that fun. You also need a few balls and (optional) a stopwatch. You need to be in a circle. The rules of the game are that you need to be pass the balls around in the circle, and when you get the ball you sit down. However, you can't pass the ball to people on your immediate left or right. We first started with one ball, and it took us 1 minute and 8 seconds to finish. then we did it again and tried to shave 20 seconds off of our time, but we only got to 57 seconds. Then we started adding balls, and it was even more complicated. It took a lot of brainpower, but it was fun.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3D Drawing

Today at Enrich we had high interest stations again. I was in 3D Drawing with Darryn. 3D Drawing is an illusion because you are drawing something to make it look like it is a 3D image. One of the things that make it easy to draw 3D images is to remember that 3D not only stands for three dimensional, but three directional. It was hard at first beause I wasn't sure how it was going to work but at the end I was pretty confident I knew how to do it. Today we also played bulls eye (a wilson game) and worked on our enviroment projects. This is my drawing:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich we continued the high interest stations that we did last week. Last week I was in biology which was looking at ordinary things throught the dinoscopes, and this week we turned them into comic life pages. First we had to crop them because we didn't want the whole desktop in our photos. Then we had to open up comic life and put the photos in. After that came speech bubbles and colour, and we had a comic! It was heaps of fun, and I like how mine turned out.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Today at Enrich I have had a lot of fun! Today we had high interest stations again. There was biology, which was looking through the dinoscopes at intersting things, like flies, or even our own skin! There was also art, cartooning or science, chemistry. I chose biology and I am glad that I chose it. It was very cool, because we got really close up images, but it was also really gross! It was suprising how interesting things as simple as hair look through the dinoscope. Can you guess what these images are of?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today at Enrich

Today at Enrich has been very busy. We have spent a lot of the day planning what we want to do to improve Invercargill. There was a lot of ideas to choose from, but a group of kids and I chose livening up the airport. We are planning to make a childrens area for the kids who visit the airport to play in, because right now there is next to nothing to do except for running up and down the stairs. It is going to take a bit of work, but it will be worth it to have something to do at the airport.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich we got to pick a high interest of ours out of three choices. There was Maths - Tesselations, Science - Chemistry and Art - Painting. I chose science. It was lucky I chose science because we were going to do something really fun... like making elephant toothpaste! First we all needed to put on gloves so that we didn't hurt ourselves while making the elephant toothpaste.  First we filled up half of of the test tube with hydrogen peroxide. Then we added a few squirts of sunlight dishwashing liquid. After that we added some drops of food colouring and mixed it all together carefully. Then in a seperate beaker we mixed up a teaspoon of yeast with 2 tablespoons of warm water until all of the yeast was dissolved. Finally, we added the yeast to the test tubes and it started erupting. It looked really cool and it was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich I did a workshop where we had a look at Tannenbaums model of Giftedness. It was very interesting. It is in the shape of a sea star, and there is 5 arms on it. They are: General ability, Chance, Enviromental supports, Nonintellective requisites, and last but not least,  Special aptitude. Basically this is what they are: General ability is your talent/giftedness. Chance is the chance that you will get to do things like coming to Enrich, where you can develop your ability. Enviromental supports is the enviroment around you.The enviroment around you matters a lot if you want to develop your gift. Nonintellective requisites is you, and Special aptitude is your passions. It was really fun looking at Tannenbaums model of Giftedness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today the people in photography took a trip to Queens Park. We took lots of photos using different camera angles and settings. Then when we came back we imported our photos into iphoto then used the edit tools to make them look their best. Once we were done we chose our top three then emailed them to Katie. We then took photos using the green screen and put ourselves into one of our photos. It was heaps of fun.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Passion Time

Today at Enrich we did something called passion time. At passion time we get to do something we really enjoy or want to try out. We get to do almost anything we want to do (within reason). I did Pottery. Last week I made a clay mask but today I made a coil pot. A coil pot is where you make a circle base, then make some logs and attach them to the base. It is a lot of hard work, and it's harder than it seems. It was great.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today we went to see the World Of Wearable Arts exhibit at the Museum. I thought it was pretty cool. They had touch screens near the exhibits so that you could see a clip showing what it looked like while it was being worn. They had lots of different outfits, but my favourite was called Into Thin Air. It was a giant face that lit up under UV light. In the clip the person wearing the face was wearing a black suit that doesn't show up in UV light so it looked like the face was floating. The face was in a small room which had UV lights, along with some other cool costumes. I had a great time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Last Day!

Today is the last day of Term 1 at Enrich already! It feels like the time has gone really fast. We had to fill out some sheets today, and we didn't have a Must Do's worksheet, but other than that the day was pretty normal. One of the sheets we had to fill out was a learning wheel. It had five spaces. One was for writing what you wondered this term, one was for what you learned and one was for what you tried. The other two were for what you felt and used this term.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today I did photography for Talent Development. It was fun. We had to take photos, but first of all we had to choose a theme. I couldn't think of one so I chose Random. Then we had to go outside and take photos that matched our theme. For me that meant taking different pictures from different angles, like birds eye view and mouse view. Then we had to upload them and edit them. I had a great time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hi Katlyn.
It was great to see your enthusiasm for photography at Enrich on Tuesday.  Your contributions to our discussion about what makes a great photo showed that you were thinking about a variety of aspects.  Your organisation with your Must Do and Pick sheet is clear to see - you set yourself goals and use your time wisely, which enables you to complete these tasks to a high standard.  Keep up the fantastic effort Katlyn.  Katie.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today at Enrich we got to choose our talent development groups. There were 3 we could choose from. One was Drama, one was Photography and one was Maths.  I chose photography with Katie. We are going to enter the MADE awards in either the static images category or the manipulated images category.
This morning we had to look at some pictures and make a P.M.I for them. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to start taking some pictures.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today at Enrich we did something called scamper.  Scamper stands for substitute, combine, adapt, mega or mini size,  put to other uses, eliminate and reverse. We got given a bunch of different objects and we had to use scamper to take photos of the object from different perspectives and to look and things from outside the box. Next week we will be putting the photos onto a keynote to make our own scamper clips. I had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today at Enrich we did a lot of stuff, but one of my favourite things was Biopoems. Biopoems are normal poems, except they are about yourself. Some of the things we had to write down was our name, our fears, our achievements. We also had to write down adjectives to describe ourselves and what we want to see happen.
It was a lot of fun, even though it was quite a bit of work.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taster Sessions

Today Enrich has been fun so far.  We got must do's and pick's worksheets which keep track of our learning. We also got to do taster sessions. They were thirty minute rotations which were little tastes of what talent development was going to be like. Darryn was teaching art, Alana was teaching maths, and Katie was teaching science. Each of the rotations were really fun.  For maths we were looking at canstruction, and for that we had a look at how lego bricks fit together. We were measuring them and looking at how much we needed to fill a certain amount of space. For art we were experimenting with watercolors. We had a lot of fun with trying out different colours and techniques.  I was pretty proud of my picture of a sunset. Last but not least, we did science. We were making tornadoes in a bottle, and it was really interesting to see how they worked. 

Today I had a lot of fun.