Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today Enrich has been busy as usual. During the day I went to an affective domain workshop.It was about a girl called Adora Svitak. We watched a clip of a big speech that she made to a massive audience of adults. She was talking about how adults say that childrens ideas are too silly, when they are often more creative because children don't really think about barriers, like it costs too much, or its too hard. She was only nine when she made the speech, and when she was six she even published her own book. It was really inspiring to see a child do something like that.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

First day of term!!!!!!!!

HI!!! Today at Enrich was a lot of fun. We worked on our enviroment projects, and then presented them, plus then we had to do some paperwork, but then we played a game. It was called All or Nothing. You need: 8+ hoops, 2+ bins, 2+ teams of equal sizes and 2+ balls / small beanbags. You need put the hoops into lines of four, with a bin in the first hoop. You then give the first person in each line a ball. The aim of the game was to get the basket to the last hoop by getting the ball into the basket, which scored you one point. If you got it in you moved the basket back one hoop and threw the ball to the next person in line from behind the basket. If they caught it, then you scored one point. But there was a catch. If the person in line didn't catch the ball, the basket got moved back to the first hoop. The group that gets their basket to the last hoop, and throws it back to the person in line successfully, they win. If no one manages it, the group with the most points wins. It took us a long time, but one group finally got to the end. Today has been a very busy day, but it's been fun too.