Thursday, August 11, 2011

Second day at Enrich

Today was my second day at Enrich for term 3 2011, and I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be.  For Talent Development we completed a sheet as a group about the fairy-tale Snow White. After that we were asked whether we were going to enter as group or independent and everyone chose independent. Then we were given a sheet to plan our stories. Most of them were about kidnapping or aliens or mystery but one was about friendship. Later on I did an activity called Make/Create Interactions and what I had to do was create an interaction. I chose to make a stick figure attached to a table with string because the string was holding up the man and the stick figure was keeping the string attached, and that is an interaction.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hi Katlyn.
Well done on a great start back to Enrich for the term.  You settled into our "new-look" day with ease.  You worked so well during our first session of writing for talent development.  You put a lot of detail into your analysis of fairy-tales.  I look forward to getting started on the planning and actual writing for your narrative stories.  I think we are going to have a lot of creative ideas coming through.  It was great to see you plan your afternoon so well.  You prioritised what needed to be done and completed both P4C and the drama workshop.  I can see you are thinking ahead, which is going to help you to have a successful term.  Well done Katlyn!

First Day For Term 3 2011

Today is my first day back at enrich for term 3, and I'm already really busy. This term we are starting a new programme where we get a sheet fortnightly which tells us what we have to do. There is a list of things we must do, like P4C, and a list of things we have to pick, and also a list of puzzles to do before E
nrich starts and in the breaks.  This Term we are also doing Talent Development and I chose to do Creative Writing with Katie. For it we are writing Narratives and turning them into Mini-films to enter into the Made Awards. I can't wait for this afternoon because thats when we start the workshops. I'm going to be really busy this term.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teacher Comment

I have noticed a big gain in your confidence over the term.  This is great to see.  You are interacting well with other children, and feel more at ease expressing your thoughts and opinions.  You have excellent time management - this is evident in your Must Do / Can Do sheet.  You track your learning, and back this up with regular blog posts.  It is great to see you challenging yourself with a variety of activities.  Keep up all your wonderful effort for next term Katlyn.