Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reflection 2011

Name:  Katlyn BS                              Date: 1/12/11
Look back
What did you do?
What could you improve?
I did almost everything  that was on the Must Do sheet each week .   I think I planned my time pretty well.
I could try some new things, like maths.
What questions have you answered?
What questions do you still have?
I have answered questions about things that I like, things like art, science and narrative writing. 
I still have some questions about some other things, like ICT, how to work scratch and alice and different kinds of art like painting.
Pull it apart
What factors contributed to your learning?
What challenged you?
The factors that contributed to my learning was having the resources and environment to do lots of different things, like having cameras and lots of computers and supplies. It helped having three teachers because you could be sure one of them would be free to help you if you had a problem.
At first Debating and P4C challenged me because I didn’t know that much about them but when we started doing it every week I got much better at it.
Make connections
What did you learn to do better?
What sort of thinking helped you?
I learnt to do lots of things better, like how to work better in a team. I learnt about narrative writing, mosaics, and science. The workshops also helped me learn about P4C and Debating, plus extras like Fibonnaci numbers.
Thinking outside the square helped me to think more about topics like the 7 billionth baby for where in the world and current events.
Make judgements
My progress was...
My Progress was pretty good. I did loads of things and now I’ve learnt loads as well since I started enrich, and I’ve learnt how to work in a team

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