Monday, December 12, 2011

Hi Katlyn.
I have been so impressed with your organisation and time management this term.  You proceed with your Must Do and Pick sheet with such a positive attitude, prioritising what needs to be achieved within your day.  Your blog posts are so detailed and you have shared so much with regard to our science talent development this term.  You always make the most of the opportunities that are available to you at Enrich and have completed talent development in a range of areas this year.  Well done on a very productive term.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reflection 2011

Name:  Katlyn BS                              Date: 1/12/11
Look back
What did you do?
What could you improve?
I did almost everything  that was on the Must Do sheet each week .   I think I planned my time pretty well.
I could try some new things, like maths.
What questions have you answered?
What questions do you still have?
I have answered questions about things that I like, things like art, science and narrative writing. 
I still have some questions about some other things, like ICT, how to work scratch and alice and different kinds of art like painting.
Pull it apart
What factors contributed to your learning?
What challenged you?
The factors that contributed to my learning was having the resources and environment to do lots of different things, like having cameras and lots of computers and supplies. It helped having three teachers because you could be sure one of them would be free to help you if you had a problem.
At first Debating and P4C challenged me because I didn’t know that much about them but when we started doing it every week I got much better at it.
Make connections
What did you learn to do better?
What sort of thinking helped you?
I learnt to do lots of things better, like how to work better in a team. I learnt about narrative writing, mosaics, and science. The workshops also helped me learn about P4C and Debating, plus extras like Fibonnaci numbers.
Thinking outside the square helped me to think more about topics like the 7 billionth baby for where in the world and current events.
Make judgements
My progress was...
My Progress was pretty good. I did loads of things and now I’ve learnt loads as well since I started enrich, and I’ve learnt how to work in a team

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Today for science we did three experiments again, and my favourite was the one called lava lamp. We used Berocca tablets, a small fizzy bottle, some oil, and some water, plus food coloring.
First we poured the water into the bottle. Then we poured the oil in, and when we did that it started to sink but then got pushed back up. Then we added the food coloring and it sank through the oil to the water and started to mix, but that changed when we added the Berocca tablets. It started to react with the water causing the food coloring to be lifted up in droplets to the oil which gave a lava lamp like effect. It was really fun.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today in science we did four experiments. My favourite one was the one called fire extinguisher. We used a plastic piece of tube, some baking soda, some vinegar and a coke or pepsi bottle with a hole in the lid. We poked the piece of tube in through the lid, then made sure in was in properly by sealing it with blu-tack. We poured vinegar into the bottle, and then quickly added baking soda. When we sealed the lid, we put a finger over the end of the tube that was outside of the bottle, and pointed it at a candle that had been lit. My group was the only group that sucessfully blew out the candle, and it was a lot of fun, along with the other three experiments.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Science Talent Development

Today for Science Talent Development we were looking at solids, gases and liquids. First we did an experiment where we had three ice cubes. One of them was just plain frozen water. The other two were frozen sugar water and frozen orange raro. We put them in a petri dish each and checked up on them every three minutes to see which was melting the fastest. It turned out that plain and sugar water ice cubes melted the fastest. The raro ice cube melted the slowest because the raro was holding all the water together and not letting go.

We did another experiment after that. This one was the same except instead of having different kinds of ice cube, we had three plain ice cubes,  one without anything on it, one with salt sprinkled on top, and one with sugar sprinkled on top. The one with salt on top melted the quickest, because the salt is kind of like an acid.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

First day Back !

This is my first day back, and I've already had a really busy day. We've jumped straight into the new talent development, and I'm loving it! I chose to do science out of science and maths because I wanted to try something different. We had a look at the science trolley and it was packed full of cool stuff, like test tubes and beakers. My favourite part was the experiment. We used a light sensor that was hooked up to a computer and tested whether the light coming out from a candle, remote control, a lamp and a dinoscope was constant or fluctuating. It turned out that the lamp and dinoscope were both constant, while the candle and the remote control were fluctating. I had a lot of fun, and I can't wait for the next session.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Writing Talent Development

The last few weeks for Writing Talent Development we have been learning how to use GarageBand and Kid Pix. My favourite one to use is GarageBand, because you can get all kinds of different voices, sounds and instruments like helium breath, alarm and kazoo. I have also been busy writing my story for the MADE awards. I have already written three pages and I am pretty close to finishing it off so I can start turning it into a mini-movie.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Second day at Enrich

Today was my second day at Enrich for term 3 2011, and I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be.  For Talent Development we completed a sheet as a group about the fairy-tale Snow White. After that we were asked whether we were going to enter as group or independent and everyone chose independent. Then we were given a sheet to plan our stories. Most of them were about kidnapping or aliens or mystery but one was about friendship. Later on I did an activity called Make/Create Interactions and what I had to do was create an interaction. I chose to make a stick figure attached to a table with string because the string was holding up the man and the stick figure was keeping the string attached, and that is an interaction.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hi Katlyn.
Well done on a great start back to Enrich for the term.  You settled into our "new-look" day with ease.  You worked so well during our first session of writing for talent development.  You put a lot of detail into your analysis of fairy-tales.  I look forward to getting started on the planning and actual writing for your narrative stories.  I think we are going to have a lot of creative ideas coming through.  It was great to see you plan your afternoon so well.  You prioritised what needed to be done and completed both P4C and the drama workshop.  I can see you are thinking ahead, which is going to help you to have a successful term.  Well done Katlyn!

First Day For Term 3 2011

Today is my first day back at enrich for term 3, and I'm already really busy. This term we are starting a new programme where we get a sheet fortnightly which tells us what we have to do. There is a list of things we must do, like P4C, and a list of things we have to pick, and also a list of puzzles to do before E
nrich starts and in the breaks.  This Term we are also doing Talent Development and I chose to do Creative Writing with Katie. For it we are writing Narratives and turning them into Mini-films to enter into the Made Awards. I can't wait for this afternoon because thats when we start the workshops. I'm going to be really busy this term.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teacher Comment

I have noticed a big gain in your confidence over the term.  This is great to see.  You are interacting well with other children, and feel more at ease expressing your thoughts and opinions.  You have excellent time management - this is evident in your Must Do / Can Do sheet.  You track your learning, and back this up with regular blog posts.  It is great to see you challenging yourself with a variety of activities.  Keep up all your wonderful effort for next term Katlyn.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last day at Enrich

Today is my last day at Enrich for Term 2 2011, and I think I've had a pretty good term.  One star (good thing) is talent development, because I've had fun making mosaics and arranging and glueing the pieces. My other star would just be being here because I've made a lot of friends who like the same things as me and also because of being able to do things like choosing what we do at what time. My wish is that I plan my time better and do everything I'm supposed to ahead of time instead of just waiting till the end of the term.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Art Talent Development

We're all finished making our practice pieces and we're ready to start making our big design. We have to get a move on though, because we only have 2 days left to start and finish it. For our design we've decided to do a Kiwi with different sized ferns all around it, with grass on the bottom. We've been talking about donating it to the Invercargill's Children's Ward, which would cheer up the kids there.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I like going to Enrich because I can be with other kids my age who know the same things and share the  same interests. I also like the fact that at Enrich, the teachers have games and sessions where your brain actually thinks without knowing the answer straight away and you get challenged. My favourite thing about going to enrich is how we get to do everything on computers because it makes it easier to get your ideas down before you lose them. Another good thing is how we have different independent activities so people can do what they want to do for example, some people like to do current events and some like to do math challenges and Enrich lets you do either, as long as you are learning and filling up your must do can do sheet.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Art - Talent Development

Today is my 7th day at Enrich for this term and my 6th day at Art Talent Development. For Art Talent Development, (which teaches us how to do passion projects on our own) we are doing mosaics. For the past 5 weeks we have been researching mosaics on the Internet, designing patterns/pictures, arranging tiles, smashing them up, gluing them on and finally we are onto the final step, filling in the gaps with grout. I am really excited to see how to do it, because it sounds really interesting. I did a letter K with spiky bits of tiles round the edge and instead of filling in the whole background I'm going to fill it in with grout instead, which should be interesting. I chose to fill in the gaps with grout because I think it will give it a good effect and make it look different.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Last day at Enrich

Today is the last day at Enrich for the term.
The time has gone so quickly because it feels like it has only been a few days here.
I have learnt a lot of new things here and I have had lots of fun doing it.
My favorite thing I learnt about was Fibonacci Numbers because it was fun trying to figure out the pattern of the numbers.
I also enjoyed looking for the pattern in nature.
There are only a few workshops today because this afternoon Alana will have a technology challenge for us to do.
It is a surprise so no-one knows exactly what it is about.
I hope we find out soon because it is killing me not knowing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Multiple Intelligences

These are my results for the Multiple Intelligences survey.
It shows that I am more logical smart than all the other smarts.
It seems that I am the least smart at music and I am more visual than word smart.
It also says that I am a little bit more myself smart than people smart.
This means I am very visual smart, which means that I can visualize things instead of seeing words.
For example, if I read the word elephant I would see a picture of one instead of a word.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


When I was doing current affairs this morning I read a story about a girl and a boy, the girl had been bullied almost to the death, and the boy had stood up to an attacker.
I thought that it wasn't fair how (even though they were pretty big incidents) bullying is only being highlighted now when it has been going on for years.
I think it needs to be stopped NOW before another incident like the one that occurred to the girl happens again.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today I learnt a new strategy while playing chess with Jaimes.
It is basically trying to get the other person to move a pawn that's diagonal to their King, then use a Bishop, and with a couple of moves I win.
It only works if there is no other spaces near their King.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Indian ink

A few weeks ago I did the Indian ink workshop with Darryn.
It was really fun because we were painting cats. 
I only half finished mine, but it was still really cool. 
We had to do it using Indian Ink and Tempura paint.
We didn't come up with them right out of our heads, but we did still have to draw them ourselves.
We copied them from pictures and drew backgrounds for them.
I drew one that was lying down and for the background I had a white couch.
I think it is the best work of art I have ever done.